Boat & Engine Services

Marina Engine Services
Ocean Bay Marina provides Gas , Diesel and Outboards motor service
Factory Trained & Certified Mechanics
Warranty Work
Winter Service
Spring Commission
Certified Mechanics for:

Engine Repowers
Repowering is described as getting a new and/or better power source behind your boat. Whether you are considering rebuilding your current engine(s) or replacing them with new ones, we offer cost-efficient options. Repowering is a great alternative to purchasing a new boat or continuing expensive repairs on an aging engine. There are many reasons that people choose to repower their boat. Give new life, new power and fuel efficiency to your current boat today!
Painting, Gel Coat & Fiberglass Repairs
There is nothing more disappointing to a boat owner than seeing their boat's damaged. The good news is that Ocean Bay Marina can repair & restore your boat to look brand new. We staff some of the most professional boat body repair specialists in the area. We will fix whatever boat body issue you have quickly so you will be boating in no time.
We specialize in all structural repairs, including fiberglass, and aluminum. If you are in need of a structural repair or a new paint job, including the bottom paint, we can provide you with professional, experienced service that will leave your boat looking better than the day you bought it.